Look Out for Your Red Envelope and Vote YES for Industrial Action on Pay.

Text of the film:

This is why, when you get your red envelope, that you vote yes for strike action on pay.

Since 2010 your real terms pay has fallen so much that you are now working one day a week for free.

The current pay offer will leave you with a pay cut. 

It would cost just £1.1b for government to fully fund your pay increase and they would get half of this back in increased tax receipts and reduced benefits payments.

This government says it can’t afford your pay rise.  But it has introduced a £9b tax break to big business and wasted £15b on defective PPE, fraud and dodgy deals.

Had enough of getting poorer while they keep getting richer?

Look out for your red envelope and vote yes.

Brighton and Hove UNISON, the voice of 4000 public service workers in Brighton and Hove.  www.brightonandhoveunison.org.uk, contact@brightonandhoveunison.org.uk, 01273 291611.

If you’re not in a union join now at www.joinunison.org.uk


Branch Statement on Independent Investigation into Allegations of Bullying and Harassment at Cityclean Depot
