Become An Officer

Branch Officers are elected members who undertake specific roles for the union.  They range from senior roles taken up by people who have been given full release from their normal paid role, to voluntary officer roles.

All Officer roles are elected or re-elected at the branch’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), these usually happen in March of each year.  Historically, nominations from women members to officer roles have been low, and as a branch that is 70% women, we are looking at ways to improve that.  Get in touch if you would like to know more.

Here’s more about our current Branch Officer roles and if they are vacant or not: 

·       Branch Chair (Voluntary – currently filled but will be vacant from April 2022)

·       Branch Secretary (paid release role, currently filled)

·       Branch Treasurer (paid release role, currently filled)

·       Service Conditions Officer (paid release role, currently filled)

·       Education co-ordinator (voluntary, currently filled)

·       Lifelong Learning co-ordinator (voluntary, vacant)

·       Equality Coordinator(s) (voluntary, currently filled)

·       Health and Safety Officer (Voluntary, vacant from April 22)

·       Communications Officer (Voluntary, currently filled)

·       International Officer (Voluntary, currently filled)

·       Membership Officer (paid release role, currently filled)

·       Young Members Officer (Voluntary, currently vacant)

·       Welfare Officer (Voluntary, currently filled)

·       Labour Link Officer* (Voluntary, currently vacant)

·       Retired Members’ Secretary** (Voluntary, currently filled)

·       Women’s Officer (Who Must Be Woman – Voluntary, currently filled)

·       Environmental Officer (Voluntary, currently vacant)

* must be elected By The Members Who Pay The Political Levy Only & are also members of The Labour Party

**must be elected by Retired Members only

“I just wanted to say a big thank you to all of you for all your hard work on behalf of my team over the last few weeks.  It is really appreciated, and it is great to see there is still “power in the union” (to quote Billy Bragg)!” 

Brighton & Hove City Council Member