Brighton & Hove Unison is a branch of national Unison, a trade union that represents and acts for members working in a range of public services and utilities, whether they’re employed by private companies, public authorities or in the community and voluntary sector.
They represent members, negotiate and bargain on their behalf, campaign for better working conditions and pay and for public services. And more besides.
§ National UNISON has more than 1.3 million members and activists, making it one of Europe’s largest unions
§ More than 70% of its members are women.
§ UNISON is spread over 12 UK regions.
§ There are more than 1,000 UNISON branches around the UK
National UNISON’s organisation is designed so that all members can be heard and involved. It is run through a series of democratic structures including its elected National Executive Council (NEC), Service and member groups.
You can download a simple chart of Unison’s structure by clicking the button below, or visit the Unison website for more detail.
The branch sits within the South East region of Unison. Region has a number of core functions in relation to our branch:
To monitor the deployment of resources allocated to the region and ensure they are being used effectively across all branches.
To encourage good branch structure in accordance with principles laid down by the National Executive Council (NEC).
Assist branches in implementing national policy and campaigns, particularly around recruitment & retention.
Support branches with motions for National Delegate Conference, and on ensuring delegations demonstrate proportionality and fair representation.
Link branch with legal advice and representation.
Advise and support on complex case work, negotiations and industrial action.