Brighton & Hove UNISON is a large and dynamic branch, with a long history in representing public sector workers in the city, as well as leading on activism and organising around the issues that affect them. We represent thousands of workers in local government, and hundreds delivering public services in the community, voluntary and private sector.
We are a friendly and inclusive branch made up of 11 elected Officers, employed case workers and nearly 100 Reps and Stewards. Three-quarters of our membership are women and we also represent many low paid and front-line workers.
The Branch was born in 1997 when services that had been delivered by East Sussex County Council and Brighton & Hove Borough Councils were brought in to one unitary authority. As we approach our 25th anniversary, we can be proud of our legacy so far, and have deservedly built a reputation for being collaborative and constructive; whilst having zero tolerance for inequality or any attacks on, or reductions in, pay and conditions. Some of the Branch’s successes include a Teaching Assistant’s Strike which led to improved pay for hundreds of workers, and our extensive work on Equal Pay through Single Status, which led to backdated cumulative pay increases in the millions of pounds.
Welcome to the branch!
“…trade-unionism lives not only in organizations but in the hearts of people.”
— Ellen Wilkinson Labour MP for Jarrow, 1935