Union membership is on the rise, and with the perfect storm of over a decade of austerity and stagnating wages, Brexit, the Covid pandemic and the exponential increase in zero hours contracts; millions of workers have made the decision that we are stronger together.
Unionised workplaces are safer, happier, fairer and more productive. Unionised workers earn more than non-unionised workers, and young unionised workers earn up to a third more than their non-unionised counterparts.
Brighton & Hove Unison helps around 500 members a year with everything from informal advice to legal representation. You can join online in seconds and can choose to have your subs taken directly from your pay by your employer, or by Direct Debit. You can also choose whether or not you want your subs to go to a political or non-political fund.
If you would rather not join online get in touch with us and we can arrange an alternative.
“All the evidence shows very clearly that if you are a member of a trade union you are likely to get better pay, more equal pay, better health and safety, more chance to get training, more chance to have conditions of work that help if you have caring responsibilities ... the list goes on!”
— Frances O'Grady, General Secretary TUC
How much does it cost to join?
Membership costs are based on a sliding scale depending on what you earn and start at just £1.30 a year.
We also offer membership for just £10 a year to students and apprentices.
Annual salary
Up to £2,000
£2,001 - £5,000
£5,001 - £8,000
£8,001 - £11,000
£11,001 - £14,000
£14,001 - £17,000
£17,001 - £20,000
£20,001 - £25,000
£25,001 - £30,000
£30,001 - £35,000
Over £35,000
Monthly cost