UNISON members get industrial action vote on pay

UNISON members working in local government and as schools support staff are to get the chance to vote on taking strike action over the extremely disappointing and inadequate pay offer from the national local government employer. 84% of Brighton & Hove UNISON members voted overwhelmingly in the recent consultative ballot to reject the offer.  Closely matching the 81% of UNISON members nationally. UNISON had recommended members reject the offer as it falls so far short of what workers in local government need to address the continuing crisis in the cost of living and inflation. 

National Joint Council (NJC) unions, UNISON, GMB and UNITE had called for a wage increase of £3,000 or 10%, whichever is higher.  However, Employers offered council and school support staff in England a rise of just £1,290 or 2.5% – whichever is higher

This offer is also significantly worse than that agreed by Labour Chancellor, Rachel Reeves for other public service workers in the NHS, civil service and teaching staff and is yet another example of local government workers being undervalued against other public sector workers. Union leaders will be pushing Rachel Reeves and the employer to get back around the table, and UNISON's upcoming industrial action ballot is a clear indicator of the strength of feeling on this amongst local government workers. 

UNISON is the only union in the Brighton & Hove City Council to be balloting members on strike action over the national pay offer, and will be open to members from 4 September to 16 October. If you are not in a union and want to be able to take action on pay join UNISON now.  New members will be able to join the vote so long as they join in September.

Make sure you get your vote by ensuring we have your correct contact details, particularly postal address.  You can check and update your details on www.my.unison.org.uk or by emailing our membership administrator: contact@brightonandhoveunison.org.uk. 


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Make sure your voice is heard on pay!