Picture of nursery worker at Bright Start Nursery playing with children. Picture form Brighton & Hove City Council
Sign the petition & help workers and parents save this vital local council run nursery.
With every year that cuts from central government continue alongside a soaring need for services, the council looks at what it can cut from ever decreasing budgets. One of the proposals this year is to save just over £100k by closing this hugely popular, local council run nursery.
Brighton & Hove UNISON stands with our members at the nursery, parents and children in the need to keep this brilliant provision open. You too can support the nursery by signing their petition.
Budget cut proposals must be reached through an open and equitable process and must not target the most vulnerable. Impact assessments, against the value of the saving, must also be carried out. It makes no sense to cause so much upheaval and upset to an age group of children that have already suffered so much because of the pandemic and lockdowns; and endanger the employment of so many workers for such a small saving. We call on the council to reconsider this proposal, and on councillors to throw this proposal out if it is still on the list for consideration in February when the budget is decided.
It is important to remember that cuts like the proposal to close Bright Start are only happening as part of the wider context of the £110m that has already been taken by central government from Brighton & Hove City council's budgets, and therefore directly from the services and opportunities of the city's residents. So please also support our joint campaign to get government to #GIVEITBACKBRIGHTONANDHOVE. You can do this by signing our petition, joining our Facebook Group and adding your organisation or businesses name to our open letter. More details on our campaign webpage.