Response to the McColgan Report into the culture and behaviours at the City Clean Depot

The contents of the full public report are deeply distressing and shocking. The courage of the 70+ people who came forward to provide testimony to the independent investigation should be commended, particularly as many were concerned for their own safety. 

As the report outlines UNISON has raised serious concerns about the treatment of our representatives and members at City Clean, Brighton and Hove’s in house service responsible for collecting recycling, along with refuse and street cleaning. While the issues raised remain under investigation, all it’s possible to say is that UNISON continues to offer support to our members that are affected.

It is vital that unions lead on and demonstrate very best behaviours at work to help provide safe and inclusive workplaces for all.  This is particularly true for women, black, LGBTQ+ workers and workers with a disability, who are statistically shown to be more vulnerable to bullying, harassment and discrimination at work.   

UNISON stands against bullying, harassment and discrimination wherever it comes from. The union will also continue campaigning and working for a fairer workplace, winning our dispute for improved bank holiday pay for 800 council workers, lobbying for safer, confidential ways to report concerns at work, organising our social workers’ strike over fair pay and developing a new comprehensive bullying and harassment policy with the council.

Every workplace must be a safe space for all employees. It’s the duty of any employer to protect the safety and well-being of all staff. The vast majority of staff at City Clean, at all levels, simply want to be able to get on with their jobs in a pleasant, abuse free environment. That they have not been able to do this for many years is a stain on our city.

Brighton and Hove Council must now work on the recommendations of the report as soon as possible and start meaningful consultation with unions. Nothing can undo the harm already caused to the individuals affected. But everyone must now work together to ensure the appalling behaviour of the past never happens again.

If you are affected by any of the issues outlined in the McColgan report and need support from the branch please get in touch:, 01273 291611.


BLOG: The fabric is unravelling – and this is why.


Videos and gallery from our adult’s social worker strikes!