HASC Social Worker Strike action survey Email * Can you make the suggested strike dates of 7 November and 14 December to coincide with the next Health & Wellbeing Board and Full Council Meeting? * What are your thoughts on having a first day of action on 7/11, then escalating action in the run up to Christmas with up to 6 days of action in total? * Do you think we should present action dates to the employer just for the first three months, then revisit in the new year? Or do you think we should present a timetable for action for the whole mandate period of six months? Do you have any other suggestions for dates/times for strike action that would have the biggest impact in terms of your team/service and the other services you work with? Do you have any other thoughts/comments on when, how and where we take strike action? Name First Name Last Name Workplace & job title Thank you!