Supporting Women Members

Our branch membership are nearly three quarters women.  It is a priority of ours to ensure that women are at the heart of everything we do; and that we offer support and opportunities that specifically address the challenges and realities of many women’s working and personal lives. As Women’s Officer for the branch I am currently focussing on:

The Statistics

  • Understanding what the issues are facing women, what questions we need to ask and where the data gaps are.

  • Training

    • Working with the employer to produce training for staff and managers to raise awareness of issues facing women

    • Working with Unison reps and officers, to ensure they have a good understanding of women members needs and barriers 

  • (Virtual) Book Shelf

    • Creating a resource for people to learn more

I will be looking to expand my role to include making links to local women’s networks, and other sources of support.  If you would like support on anything above, want to get involved yourself, or there are issues facing women that you would like me to help with please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Contact Details:     

01273 291863

 Events and Training:

South East Regional Women’s AGM        

WHEN: 5pm - 6.30pm on Friday 21 January 2022

WHERE: The meeting will be held online using Microsoft Teams

As a branch we can send five delegates, or you can come as a visitor. 
If you are SE Unison Women member you can attend, please let me know by 14th Dec 2021


National Women’s Conference

WHEN: 17 – 19 February 2022

WHERE: The Exchange EICC - 150 Morrison Street Edinburgh Scotland EH3 8EE

The branch is sending two delegates


International Women’s Day

WHEN: 8 March 2022


Women’s History Month

WHEN: March